So it's been forever since I blogged - so much has been going on! So, I have finally reached the 100 pound mark, meaning I have lost 100 pounds. Since then, I have lost a little more as well. I am now in the 100's - now more 200s!! My hope is to still lose those 40 pounds, but I'm in no rush to do that. Clothes are more enjoyable now. The hair that I lost really bums me out. But, it's only hair - typicall everyone loses it someday! I feel a thousand times better then I did last year at this time. I have more confidence, and more energy. I don't want to sit still. I sleep so much better - and I get 8 hours and I am good. I know I shouldn't dread on the small things because look what I have done - but the hair loss is what bothers me the most. I don't regret what I did, but I wish I knew more about how much I would lose and how to get it back! I had thin hair to begin with, and now it's so much thinner! I will figure it out someday!
Never thought things would happen to me so quickly after surgery. Miracles, even the shocking and unexpected are good. Everything happends for a reason and I am truly blessed to have the family I have.
I have gone through my roller coaster emotions - and I am sure there are more to come. I have had joy, excitment, depression, fear, and the what the hell.....moments. But in the end - everything happens for a reason. God gives me what I can handle. He won't give me what I can't. I truly believe that. The challenges in life are there for a reason. We may not know what they are now - but in due time they are revealed.
September will change my life. I have little time to prepare - and if you know more, I like to prepare. But the time I have, I will do what I can. My focus - is not about me anymore. It's about my family to come!