Thursday, December 1, 2011

Balancing Life

My sweet baby Ava is now 11 weeks old! How the time goes. I will probably always say that because we all grow up so fast - that our parents even look at us and say - where did the time go. I am still in aww... and at times I look at her and can't believe I created her and she is in my life. As I was growing up, all I wanted to be was a mommy, and now I have my Ava. Everything in my life has changed since she was born. I want her to have the world and make sure she knows everything she can. She has a blank slate and she has so many ways she can go.

I go back to work in a little over a week. I am sad to go back. I like my job - mainly because it pays the bills, but I want to stay with Ava. I love being home and taking care of the house and watching her do cute things. Once I go back to work - I will have less time with her, but the time I will have will be much more special. Maybe once I go back to work, my feelings will change. However, I still dream of opening my own bakery one day - maybe one day when I get back on track.

School is school - can't wait till it ends. I think that has to do with the fact that the time it takes me to do school work I rather be with Ava. She is my life - and I just want to hold her always!

Ava did really well with her shots. She cried when they went in - but after a big hug from mommy, she was ok. She never got sick and didn't sleep extra that day. Hopefully they worked! I was a little sad when I watched the needle go into her legs - but I know when she realizes what is going on - I will be strong. I just don't like seeing her in pain, and crying. I want to make everything all better.

So, my weight. I didn't gain that much with Ava during the pregnancy. A lot of people where nervous about me putting on extra weight and going back to what I was before Ava. I gained 14 pounds with her. I lost 12 while I was in the hospital, then lost another 8 at home quickly. Since then I have been steady at my current weight. I need to get back in the mode of excerise. I do have to say - picking up Ava does give me a weight work out! 11 pounds at her last appointment. She really can eat!

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