Sunday, July 11, 2010


My birthday came and it went. This year was a different year and feeling. Didn't really feel like my birthday. There was no cake, no ice cream, but there was a sugar free pudding cup! I know in the long run, its all worth it. But on special occasions its nice to have a little something sweet. I know this time next year will be very different.

This is one of the hardest things I have had to do. Probably right now the hardest thing. 1/2 yogurt for breakfast, 4 oz of soup for lunch, 4 oz of a protein shake for dinner, and one from bedtime snack. At least I get different flavors. I got through the 4th of July, and my birthday. I am down 1 week, and 3 more to go with this "special" eating. 1 more week of the full liquids, then its baby food! Sitting watching bbq's and just wanting a bit is really hard. Smelling the flavors and just watching people enjoy the foods I want are hard. But I keep plugging away. I eat because I need the protein. That right there is a good feeling to me. I don't eat because I am bored, because I am not hungry. That's a huge obstacle to get through right there alone.

1 comment:

  1. Becky...Happy belated birthday. I hope your day was blessed and you felt the love of everyone in your life flowing to you on your birthday. I also hope you did not miss the birthday food too will be back in your life some time in the future and with a different focus.

    Stay focused and strong. You are doing a great job and I am so very proud of you. You are very inspiring and I know you will be a role model for others to look to who are considering the surgery that you went through.

    Sending love,

