Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Week Later

Does weight loss equal less sleep? Or is it the surgery itself or the heat? Maybe its a combination of it all. I am having a hard time sleeping. I am going to bed later and later - and getting up every day at the same time. Maybe it could be that I still can't sleep on my side and I am laying on my back like I am a mummy. After a week of that its getting a little uncomfortable.

1 week later. I am on my way. Everyday I get a little better. I even think my feet are losing weight! Hehe! Maybe this means I actually won't have to get wide shoes anymore. That will be amazing. I can't remember when I was actually able to by regular shoes. Maybe that's why I never had a shoe fetish. I am taking less meds - so I am thinking that is a good sign. I am still having some issues getting my water and protein. I am just never hungry. Wow - never thought I would ever say that. The one trick I am doing well I am at home is - 3 glasses equals enough water for the day. So since I am home and don't do much - I pour my glasses in the morning and know I have that much to drink by the end of the night.


  1. Love the water idea! I think I'll try that (except, I need 8 glasses!)...

    Don't worry about sleeping on your back...something to get used to, especially if you ever plan to have kiddos. I'm a tummy sleeper myself - so, when I was pregnant, it was tricky getting used to the idea of not sleeping on your front. You'll get used to it - and by the time you do, you'll be all healed up, and able to sleep on your front or side again:) Patience!!

    Looks like next week will be a wee bit rainy- so, perhaps a game of Clue? (I've taught my kids to play!!)

    Love you.

  2. Clue! I am trying to teach Jorde how to play. It's a bit tricky - but he loves the game. Just doesn't know how to play correct yet.

    Patience is the key. I actually feel more comfortable on the couch because of the side support. But your right - as soon as I get used to it - I will be healed!
